The ‘MSS Megalove Volunteers Team’ together with the ‘Team of Care’ of the parent group joined hands to take up the challenge of the ‘Hong Kong Water Race 2021’.  The event took place at Shing Mun Reservoir in end-May to raise awareness of the importance of saving Hong Kong’s valuable water resource.  Since 2003 the ‘Team of Care’ has been proclaimed the champion of the highest number of service hours award on no less than fourteen occasions.  MSS is earnest to have part of its volunteer activities to be amalgamated with those of ‘Team of Care’ as a step forward in implementing Corporate Social Responsibilities.

Megalove Volunteers Team members engaging in the race are pictured at bottom right hand corner.





Related link:

Corporate Social Responsibilities



MSS has received for the first time two Equal Opportunity Employer awards presented by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) for the following achievements, 1) Family Status Equality and 2) Racial Equality and Inclusion.

An Equal Opportunity Employer is recognised as having excelled in implementing equal opportunities in respect of employment policies.  According to the EOC, the assessment covers five main areas, namely (i) being Strategic - the commitment of the management to equal opportunity policies, (ii) being Proactive - efforts to put in place (iii) being Innovative - maintain equal opportunity policies and measures, (iv) being Sustainable - the innovativeness and sustainability of the policies and measures, (v) being Impactful - the benefits brought by the policies and measures. 

MSS has a workforce of about 1500 people from different levels, ethnicities and cultures and sets a clear policy to fairly treat each and every employee together with a communication channel for lodging of complaints and expression of views.

Photo: Mr. Ricky CHU, EOC Chairperson (R) presents the awards to MSS Assistant General Manager (Financial Control & Corporate Governance) Jay LAM


宏力保安首次獲得平等機會委員會(平機會)頒發的平等機會僱主奬,以表揚兩項成就: 1) 家庭崗位平等 及 2) 種族平等共融。

被嘉許為平等機會僱主是指那些機構在執行平等機會就業政策方面表現出色,根據平機會的準則,評審涵蓋五個範疇,(i) 具策略性 - 包括管理層對推動平等機會的承擔, (ii) 積極主動 - 機構在制定並維持平等機會政策及措施方面的努力, (iii) 意念創新 - 政策及措施的創意和可持續性,(iv) 可持續性 - 非一次過措施,以長遠發展為目標, 以及(v) 影響深遠 - 政策和措施可帶來的裨益。


: 平機會主席朱敏健先生()將奬狀頒予宏力保安助理總經理(財務控制及企業管治)林健民

Related link:






The management revamp and reform over the past two years has seen MSS reset its core values to become: 1) ‘Integrity’, 2)‘Branding’ and 3)‘Quality’ (internally referred to as the “IBQ”).  The IBQ philosophy pervades at all levels, resulting in trust and respect being earned from MSS’ customers.  Amongst those, ‘Integrity’ is the key and essential element that each and every MSS staff shall possess, meaning a strong sense of moral and ethical standards and principles prevails across the company.  MSS will never compromise when it comes to Integrity Management, says Jay LAM Assistant General Manager, Financial Control and Corporate Governance on unfurling his working plan upon assumption of his new post earlier this year.


宏力保安過去兩年進行了管理改革及重組, 並將公司業務的核心價值重新配置 —— 1)「誠信」、2)「品牌」、3)「質素」 (内部統稱為IBQ),因此全公司上下都鼓吹和籠罩着這幾項核心價值的理念,從而赢取客户的信賴和尊重; 而其中「誠信」更是首要的一環, 這個是全公司所有人員都必須做到的, 在專業道德及品格方面更是不可或缺的;林健民於年初接任助理總經理(財務控制及企業管治)時,在他的工作計劃裡指稱,宏力保安將要求所有屬下人員堅守誠信,這個方針是不會有任何改變的。


Related link:

Jay LAM promoted to AGM (Financial Control & Corporate Governance)


Undergoing reform over the last two years, MSS now attaches more attention to working conditions of Employees especially the Frontlines with a view to increasing their sense of belonging and confidence with the Company.    Staff with different lengths of service will receive relative benefits such as basically a medical card which comes with a corresponding plan.  A staff privilege card (photo) will also be issued for all to enjoy discounts in food and beverage as well as shopping as provided by those business partners inside and outside the parent group.  MSS will continue to collect opinions and engages Employees in bettering their working experience more thoroughly. 



Related link:

[2019-09-25] MSS comes under reform



Since early 2020, MSS has introduced the UK’s PeopleHours™ Cloud-based Duty Rostering and Reporting System to completely replace manual operations. This enables Frontline Staff to report on and off duty real-time online by use of the TelMe app and totally saves human errors which commonly happened in the past.  MSS frontlines will also receive SMS showing pay details on or before statutory pay dates and be able to enquire with the payroll team through a hotline.

自二〇二〇初,宏力保安已引入英國PeopleHours™ 雲端編更及報更系統以全面取代人手操作,讓前線人員利用手機程式TelMe於上下班實時報更,並由控制室人員即時協調以計準薪津,徹底解決以往經常發生的人為錯誤問題,除在法定支薪日或之前,發送手機短信將支薪明細顯示予前線人員以核對外,並設立熱線由薪津組人員向同事進行講解。


Related Links:

GalliNet UK Guarantees to Support MSS in their Use of PeopleHours™

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority bestows MSS the Good MPF Employer and e-Contributor Awards

Duty rostering and reporting goes on Cloud

MSS takes PeopleHours™ for duty reporting and rostering




Nominated by the Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT), Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS), Christian Action (CA), Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union Training Centre (HKCTU) and New Territories Association Retraining Centre (NTARC), MSS receives the Outstanding Employer Award 2020-21 from the Hong Kong Employees Retraining Board.  The above nominators have for many years been close partners of MSS in offering opportunities for those who seek career redevelopment in the security industry.  At the 2021-03-06 ceremony ERB Chairman Mr. YU Pang-chun, SBS, JP  (L4) presents the award to Billy CHEUK, General Manager of MSS (L3).

HKCT (Website:

YWCA (Website:

BOKSS (Website:

CA (Website:

HKCTU (Website:

NTARC (Website:

由港專職業訓練學院、香港基督教女青年會、浸信會愛羣社會服務處、基督教勵行會、香港職工會聯盟培訓中心及新界社團聯會再培訓中心提名,宏力保安最近得到香港僱員再培訓局頒發2020-21年度傑出僱主奬;上述提名機構是宏力保安多年來的緊密合作伙伴,為那些志在保安行業重新發展的人士提供就業機會;在二〇二一年三月六日的典禮上,宏力總經理卓振聲(圖左三)從僱員再培訓局主席余鵬春先生, SBS, JP (左四)手中接過奬項。


Related Link: 




MSS officially announces the Strategic Partnership formed between Platinium Aviation Services AB, Sweden (PAS) and Megastrength Security Services, Hong Kong (MSS) in mid-2020 to collaborate in a globally-bid tender for Consular class offices and residences in Hong Kong, which led to the contract being successfully awarded early this year.  The contract covers both security guarding and systems for an initial term of four years, extensible for another two years.  Mohammad AL Osta, General Manager of PAS, welcomes the award and is pleased and confident to have MSS as a reliable and professional partner in Far East for contract execution.  Billy CHEUK, General Manager of MSS, assures the Client as well as PAS of the world-class and top-quality security services to be provided in line with MSS’ total commitment.

Platinium Aviation Services (Website:


宏力保安(MSS)正式宣布,於二〇二〇中旬首度與瑞典Platinium Aviation Services AB公司組成策略夥伴,聯合投標一份全球競逐位於香港的領事館及官邸的保安項目,到今年初成功獲判該份為期四年及可加兩年涵蓋護衞及保安系統的合約;Platinium總經理Mohammad AL Osta表示歡迎共同得到這份合約,他很高興及充滿信心宏力保安作為在遠東的夥伴,會可靠及和專業地執行該合約;宏力總經理卓振聲向Platinium及客方保證會遵行宏力全面的服務承諾,提供世界及頂級的保安服務。


Related Links: 

Guarding Services

Technical Services 




Mr SUEN Kwok Lam BBS MH JP (Front, L3), Executive Director of Henderson Land Group (HLD) visited MSS on 2021-02-18 to officiate the Chinese New Year worship ceremony.  He was accompanied by Mr Ellis IP (Front, L1), Senior Deputy General Manager of Hang Yick Properties Management Ltd and Well Born Real Estate Management Ltd of HLD.   Joined by MSS Senior Management, together they sent the best new year wishes to all Colleagues, Customers and Business Partners.

恒基地產集團執行董事孫國林先生(前排左三)2021-02-18親臨宏力保安主持2021農曆新年酬神儀式,由恒基旗下恒益物業管理有限公司及偉邦物業管理有限公司高級副總經理葉志明先生(前排左一)陪同主禮, 及與宏力保安管理層一同向所有同事、客戶及業務伙伴拜年。