MSS has been using the GalliNet UK programme PeopleHours™, a Cloud-based Duty Rostering and Reporting System, for over two years, to manage all their frontline duties in Hong Kong. Software updates as well as total commitment and support have been continually received from GalliNet and this has ensured the system runs perfectly and smoothly without faults. Very recently the new SMS (Short Message Service) function of the programme has been developed and activated for guards to receive confirmations prior to duties.
Billy CHEUK, General Manager of MSS, describes PeopleHours™ as the best of its kind, in guaranteeing precise guard deployment and accurate payroll information. Marcus KERR, CEO of GalliNet UK, is pleased to have MSS as a major client in Hong Kong and undertakes to offer seamless technical support in the development, operation and use of PeopleHours™ by MSS.
Photo: GalliNet people - some head office team members
宏力保安總經理卓振聲形容PeopleHours™是同類系統中最好的,保證了精準的人員調配和計糧資料。英國GalliNet公司首席執行官Marcus KERR表示很樂意 MSS成為香港一個重大的客户,並承諾會在PeopleHours™程式發展和系統運作方面不間斷地向MSS提供技術支援。
圖:GalliNet 人員 - 部份總公司團隊成員
Related links:
GalliNet Limited
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