MSS stood out among the entry brand gained the favor of Final Judging Panel and the Public on the basis of 1) Reputation, 2) Distinctiveness, 3) Innovation, 4) Quality, 5) Image and 6), Environmental Performance and Social Responsibility to be the first security company to win the 2021「Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards」organized by The Hong Kong Brand Development Council and The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong.  It is also our honor to invite Mr. SUEN Kwok Lam, BBS, MH, JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited to attend the Ceremony on behalf of MSS to receive the trophy from Dr. Bernard Chan Pak-li, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.

宏力保安從眾多品牌之中脫穎而出,在 1)知名度、2)經營特色、3)創新意念、4)品質、5)形象 及 6)環保及社會責任的基礎上,被決賽評審團及公眾一致認同,贏得由 [香港品牌發展局] 及 [香港中華廠商聯合會] 舉辦的2021年「香港服務名牌選舉」,成為首間保安公司膺獲該項殊榮。同時有幸能邀請 [恒基兆業地產有限公司] 執行董事孫國林BBS, MH, 太平紳士代表宏力保安出席2021年品牌選舉頒獎典禮,在 [商務及經濟發展局] 副局長陳百里博士, 太平紳士手中接過獎盃。


As promoted by the security organizations with full support from the Hong Kong government, July 24 has been designated as “International Security Officers’ Day” since 2018. Compliments are given around the world such as China, UK and Australia to all Security Personnel working 24x7x365 to protect Life and Property. MSS also takes this opportunity to deliver a very special vote of thanks to all Security Personnel in Hong Kong including its own workforce of around 1600 guards. Stickers are delivered to frontlines for promoting this special day together.




Students from the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi Campus) studying for their Higher Diploma in Human Resources and Talent Analytics came with their lecturer to visit the MSS Training Department on 2nd December 2021. The visit took place to study the application of e-Training at MSS.  The Staff Relations and Training Manager Sammy CHEUNG gave them an introductory talk, and the students saw and appreciated the actual operations of the e-Training programme which has been rolled out at MSS for more than a year. All the students were impressed by how security personnel could easily adapt to the use of modern technology to enhance their field knowledge and at the same time increase their capabilities.



Related Links:

[2021-08-27] e-Training Platform augments Traditional In-class Training at MSS

Training Services



The MSS e-Employment Application System with e-Interview function is now fully operational and open to Job Seekers. Applicants can log into the system by registration using basic information to make a booking for e-Interview. The e-Interview takes place on the web through video-conferencing tools such as WhatsApp, WeChat, Skype, Zoom or MS Teams. Only after a successful interview do applicants need to fill in a standard e-form to complete the e-Application process. These simple steps will greatly save applicants travelling and waiting time they currently have to spend when making a normal employment application. All applicants are now encouraged to go and try by starting the process at


當中包含網上面試預約功能的宏力保安電子職位申請系統,現已全面啓用及開放予求職者使用,申請者只需提供基本資料在網站登記,然後預約網上面試時間,透過視像會議程式例如WhatsApp, Wechat, Skype, Zoom, or MS Teams 進行面試,面試成功後需要填寫電子表格去完成職位申請手續。這幾個簡單步驟大大省卻求職者一般需要花的交通和等候時間,歡迎立即前往申請宏力保安職位。



Hand in Hand with the  company reform that has taken place over the last two years, one other important issue, that of staff welfare, has and is being brought up to date. This will ensure that the all-round staff packages will be enhanced and optimised.  This has been achieved through the collection of employees’ opinions by carrying out surveys and interviews undertaken by the Staff Welfare Working Committee which was formed last year for this very purpose.  Now  a series of staff benefit items from Marriage Leave & Gestures, New-born Subsidies, Study Subsidies, Group Merchants Discount Offers, Medical Coverage up to aged 65, Compassionate & Condolences Leave as well as Birthday Vouchers are now in place and applicable to all full-time employees.  There are other improvements as well as new items in the pipeline currently under consideration and these will likely be confirmed and implemented in the not too distant future.




MSS announces the promotion of Mr. Boris KWAN to Assistant General Manager with effect from 1 November 2021. Mr. KWAN joined MSS in February 2019 and has been overseeing the Security and Support Departments in his position of Principal Security Manager. Prior to joining MSS, Mr. KWAN had worked at Vigers Security Limited as an Associate Director. Before taking up a role in private security Mr. KWAN had a 36-year career in the Hong Kong Police Force which saw him bestowed with the Police Meritorious Service Medal on retirement.



In keeping with the acclaimed M+ Museum of visual culture, MSS security staff have been outfitted with personally tailored uniforms consisting of blazers, trousers, shirts and highly distinctive M+ ties and scarves. These classically cut uniforms, designed by M+, are in keeping with the atmosphere of openness and approachability of this unique institution whilst also projecting a smart and authoritative image. MSS staff wearing the new uniforms have expressed their feeling that their dress elevates their status while also being functional in their spectacular surroundings. Each and every MSS staff attached to M+ has undergone a specially designed, in-depth training programme to better look after the safety, security and service quality needs of the client in such an iconic setting.


為配合享譽盛名的M+視覺文化博物館,宏力保安駐場人員都配有個人度身訂造的制服,包括西裝外套、長褲、襯衫以及非常標誌的M+領呔和領巾,這些由M+設計含古典色彩及剪裁的制服,與這個獨特場館內開放與平和的氣氛相融合,亦能突出保安人員英姿焕發和威嚴的形象; 能夠穿起新制服及派駐場館工作的宏力保安人員都感受到及表示,這套漂亮裝束大大提升他們的地位,完全有利於他們在壯麗的環境下執行工作。所有駐場的宏力保安人員必須經過為M+特設及和深度的訓練課程,以達到在這極具代表性的場館,客户對安全、保安以至服務質素的要求。


Related links:

M+ Museum

Guarding Services


MSS has been using the GalliNet UK programme PeopleHours™, a Cloud-based Duty Rostering and Reporting System, for over two years, to manage all their frontline duties in Hong Kong.  Software updates as well as total commitment and support have been continually received from GalliNet and this has ensured the system runs perfectly and smoothly without faults.   Very recently the new SMS (Short Message Service) function of the programme has been developed and activated for guards to receive confirmations prior to duties.


Billy CHEUK, General Manager of MSS, describes PeopleHours™ as the best of its kind, in guaranteeing precise guard deployment and accurate payroll information.  Marcus KERR, CEO of GalliNet UK, is pleased to have MSS as a major client in Hong Kong and undertakes to offer seamless technical support in the development, operation and use of PeopleHours™ by MSS.


Photo: GalliNet people - some head office team members



宏力保安總經理卓振聲形容PeopleHours™是同類系統中最好的,保證了精準的人員調配和計糧資料。英國GalliNet公司首席執行官Marcus KERR表示很樂意 MSS成為香港一個重大的客户,並承諾會在PeopleHours™程式發展和系統運作方面不間斷地向MSS提供技術支援。


圖:GalliNet 人員 - 部份總公司團隊成員


Related links:

GalliNet Limited

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority bestows MSS the Good MPF Employer and e-Contributor Awards

MSS saves Pay Errors by use of UK’s PeopleHours™ cloud-based App

Duty rostering and reporting goes on Cloud

MSS takes PeopleHours™ for duty reporting and rostering