[2021-07-30] MSS ‘’MegaLove Volunteers Team’’ joins ‘’HK Community Emergency Aid Team’’ extending CSR Outward-bound Work

Megastrength Security Services (MSS) upholds the Group’s mission to undertake Corporate Social Responsibilities that our “ MegaLove Volunteers Team” has long been joining the Group’s volunteers team, “Team of Care” in various social services. In a bid to extend our outward-bound work, the “HK Community Emergency Aid Team”– Wong Tai Sin District, has recently been established, headed by our Staff Relations and Training Manager, Sammy CHEUNG. The Team is widely supported by staff members from MSS headquarters and frontline teams while the official inauguration ceremony was held on 24 July 2021, which was also attended and supported by MSS Senior Assistant General Manager, Danny NGAN and Principal Security Manager, Boris KWAN. In his opening address, Sammy CHEUNG described it as a rather meaningful move for the entire MSS team to serve the community as and when needed.
Top left hand corner photo: (From L to R) MSS Senior Assistant General Manager Danny NGAN, Staff Relations and Training Manager Sammy CHEUNG, Acting Assistant Chief Security Manager Max CHAN, Principal Security Manager Boris KWAN
宏力保安秉持集團履行企業社會責任之宗旨,屬下的「宏愛義工隊」多年來積極融入集團「恒愛義工隊」服務社會,為擴闊義工外展範疇,日前更加入「社區應急輔助隊」及成立黃大仙總區, 由宏力職員關係及訓練經理張五斤領隊,數十位宏力保安總所及前線人員相繼加入,並於二零二一年七月二十四日舉行就職典禮,宏力高級助理總經理顏楚國及首席保安經理關焕民到場支持。張五斤在致辭時表示,「宏愛義工隊」正式開展社區應急義工服務,日後將會推動更多同事參加這項非常有意義的外展服務。
左上角圖: (左至右) 宏力高級助理總經理顔楚國、職員關係及訓練經理張五斤、署理助理總保安經理陳道明、首席保安經理關焕民
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Corporate Social Responsibilities