MSS announces the joining of a new management team member, Mike Sharp, a military and law enforcement veteran who has served in Hong Kong for nearly three decades. Throughout his life Mike has remained a keen angler and become famous for his fishing books published worldwide. Mike is now Senior Manger (Management Support) heading the Support Department and acting as Principal Consultant to key customers.

宏力保安最近與香港BCS Technologies公司簽署展開雲端編更及報更系統PeopleHours™的服務協議, 在2019-10-02與宏力高級經理(管理支援)Mike Sharp交換諒解備忘錄時BCS總經理湯維雄表示, 來自英國的PeopleHours™屬同類系統最先進及最精密的, 並為宏力保安的要求率先度身改良的。


MSS has earlier entered into agreement with BCS Technologies Hong Kong to launch PeopleHours™, the Cloud-based Duty Rostering and Reporting System for use by the Frontlines in the enhancement of attendance and payroll management. In the exchange of Memorandum of Understanding today (2019-10-02) with MSS Senior Manager-Management Support Mike Sharp, BCS General Manager Paul Tong says the UK's PeopleHours™ is the most advanced and sophisticated system of its kind and is customized to meet MSS requirements ahead of the local market.

宏力保安最近與香港BCS Technologies公司簽署展開雲端編更及報更系統PeopleHours™的服務協議, 在2019-10-02與宏力高級經理(管理支援)Mike Sharp交換諒解備忘錄時BCS總經理湯維雄表示, 來自英國的PeopleHours™屬同類系統最先進及最精密的, 並為宏力保安的要求率先度身改良的。


Related links:

GalliNet UK Guarantees to Support MSS in their Use of PeopleHours™

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority bestows MSS the Good MPF Employer and e-Contributor Awards

MSS saves Pay Errors by use of UK’s PeopleHours™ cloud-based App

Duty rostering and reporting goes on Cloud




MSS has been reformed in the past six months and is now restarted to become a market leader in the local security industry.

宏力保安在過去半年進行全面革新, 並重新出發成為本地保安業市場領導者之一。


MSS receives a gold award of the 2018 Security Services Best Training.  Raymond SIU, Senior Commissioner of Police (L), presents the award to Billy CHEUK, MSS' newly appointed General Manager (R) at the ceremony.  The activity is co-hosted by Vocational Training Council and Crime Prevention Bureau Hong Kong Police and supported by the Security and Guarding Services Industry Authority.

宏力保安獲2018年度保安服務最佳培訓金奬, 由高級助理警務處長蕭澤頤(圖右)在典禮上頒予宏力保安新任總經理卓振聲(圖左),活動由職業訓練局與香港警察防止罪案課合辦,支持機構為保安及護衞業管理委員會。




Green Card Course


The Government has launched the "Re-employment Allowance Pilot Scheme" to encourage middle-aged and senior individuals to re-enter the job market and promote socioeconomic recovery.

MSS has launched a brand-new "Green Card Course" to provide relevant vocational training and job opportunities for those seeking re-employment or who are currently unemployed.

The "Green Card Course" helps instill safety awareness in the content taught at the workplace, as well as handling of dangerous incidents.

Participating in the "Green Card Course" not only enhances the employability of participants, but also provides them with more practical work experience. Through multi-party collaboration, we aim to help those seeking re-employment reintegrate into the workforce, which has a positive impact on promoting socioeconomic recovery and achieving a win-win for both individuals and society.

Those who are interested in the "Green Card Course", are advised to sign up by (clicking here). Let’s work together to create a safe working environment!

#GreenCard #Reemployment #Employment #On-the-jobTraining #Subsidy #MSS #Security #Guard #Workplace #Safety #OccupationalSafety #Anti-theft #Safety #Unemployment #ValueAdded #Economy








#平安卡 #再就業 #就業 #在職培訓 #津貼 #宏力 #保安 #保全 #職場

 #職安 #防盜 #安全 #待業 #增值 #經濟