Corporate Social Responsibility


In pursuance of Corporate Social Responsibility, MSS has formally established the ‘MegaLove Volunteers Team’ since 8 July 2020.   Team activities are organised by MSS Youth Form's active members.

MSS is earnest to have part of the activities of the 'MegaLover Volunteers Team' to be amalgamated with those of ‘Team of Care’ of the parent group, joining hands in implementing Corporate Social Responsibilities.

See the latest news of MegaLove Volunteers Team below:

CSR - MSS Volunteers always commits to participating in charitable activities giving hands to those in need

CSR - MSS ‘’MegaLove Volunteers Team’’ joins ‘’HK Community Emergency Aid Team’’ extending CSR Outward-bound Work

CSR - Megalove Volunteers Team Joins Force with Groups’ Team of Love

CSR - Flag Day for Retina Hong Kong

CSR - Flag Day for Yan Oi Tong

CSR - Flag Day for Pok Oi Hospital

CSR - Flag Day for the Blind

CSR - Konica Minota's singing bike contest