[2021-05-28] MSS named Equal Opportunity Employer in 2021 and Bestowed Two Awards



MSS has received for the first time two Equal Opportunity Employer awards presented by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) for the following achievements, 1) Family Status Equality and 2) Racial Equality and Inclusion.

An Equal Opportunity Employer is recognised as having excelled in implementing equal opportunities in respect of employment policies.  According to the EOC, the assessment covers five main areas, namely (i) being Strategic - the commitment of the management to equal opportunity policies, (ii) being Proactive - efforts to put in place (iii) being Innovative - maintain equal opportunity policies and measures, (iv) being Sustainable - the innovativeness and sustainability of the policies and measures, (v) being Impactful - the benefits brought by the policies and measures. 

MSS has a workforce of about 1500 people from different levels, ethnicities and cultures and sets a clear policy to fairly treat each and every employee together with a communication channel for lodging of complaints and expression of views.

Photo: Mr. Ricky CHU, EOC Chairperson (R) presents the awards to MSS Assistant General Manager (Financial Control & Corporate Governance) Jay LAM


宏力保安首次獲得平等機會委員會(平機會)頒發的平等機會僱主奬,以表揚兩項成就: 1) 家庭崗位平等 及 2) 種族平等共融。

被嘉許為平等機會僱主是指那些機構在執行平等機會就業政策方面表現出色,根據平機會的準則,評審涵蓋五個範疇,(i) 具策略性 - 包括管理層對推動平等機會的承擔, (ii) 積極主動 - 機構在制定並維持平等機會政策及措施方面的努力, (iii) 意念創新 - 政策及措施的創意和可持續性,(iv) 可持續性 - 非一次過措施,以長遠發展為目標, 以及(v) 影響深遠 - 政策和措施可帶來的裨益。


: 平機會主席朱敏健先生()將奬狀頒予宏力保安助理總經理(財務控制及企業管治)林健民

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