
【多元培訓 。提升技能】

迎接2025年,開啟全新篇章!改革求變 。守正創新!





  • 住宅保安-由經驗豐富的保安人員提供24小時巡邏及門禁管理服務,守護住客的安全。
  • 商場/商廈保安-完善的門禁管理、巡邏制度及緊急應變措施,有效避免您的物業受到盜竊、火災、水災等安全隱患所破壞。
  • 博物館/藝術館保安-具備專業的文物保護知識和技能,有效防範盜竊、破壞等行為,確保珍貴文物安全無虞。專業的展覽安保服務,確保您的展覽順利進行。
  • 活動保安- ...
舉辦各類活動時,主辦方和嘉賓安全始終是最重要的考量之一。宏力的活動保安(Event Guard)服務專為各類型活動而設,無論是大型活動、商業展覽、藝術展覽,還是私人聚會,我們都能提供專業的保安,確保活動的順利進行和參與者的安全。   我們的活動保安團隊由經驗豐富的專業保安人員組成,他們接受過專業的培訓,具備處理各種突發情況的能力。活動保安不僅負責場地的安全管理,還能有效預防和應對各種潛在的安全威脅。我們的目標是提供一個安全的環境,讓主辦方、嘉賓和參加者都能安心享受活動。   此外,我們的活動保安服務還包括對人身和財物的保護。我們會根據活動的特點和需求,制定量身定制的安全計劃,並配置必要的設施...





  • 定制化方案設計與安裝: 深入了解您的需求,為您定制高效的物聯網和保安系統方案,並提供專業的安裝服務,確保方案完美契合您的實際需求。
  • 智慧控制系統: 採用先進的智能控制系統,實現大廈運營的自動化和智能化,...


The MSS e-Employment Application System with e-Interview function is now fully operational and open to Job Seekers. Applicants can log into the system by registration using basic information to make a booking for e-Interview. The e-Interview takes place on the web through video-...


Hand in Hand with the  company reform that has taken place over the last two years, one other important issue, that of staff welfare, has and is being brought up to date. This will ensure that the all-round staff packages will be enhanced and optimised.  This has been achieved through...

In keeping with the acclaimed M+ Museum of visual culture, MSS security staff have been outfitted with personally tailored uniforms consisting of blazers, trousers, shirts and highly distinctive M+ ties and scarves. These classically cut uniforms, designed by M+, are in keeping with the...


The day-to-day operations of a typical sizeable security company are so heavy and complicated that it necessitates a means to effectively exchange updated information between departments, to which the industry refers as the ‘Morning Prayers’. MSS adopts this good practice ‘religiously...


MSS sees Service Quality as one of the top three company goals and two years ago put in place guidelines to ensure work efficiency.  This was the ‘1-2-3’ Service Pledge on complaints and queries from clients or staff.  It follows that complaints or queries received will be responded to...