[2022-08-23] MSS wins 2021 Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards

MSS stood out among the entry brand gained the favor of Final Judging Panel and the Public on the basis of 1) Reputation, 2) Distinctiveness, 3) Innovation, 4) Quality, 5) Image and 6), Environmental Performance and Social Responsibility to be the first security company to win the 2021「Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards」organized by The Hong Kong Brand Development Council and The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong. It is also our honor to invite Mr. SUEN Kwok Lam, BBS, MH, JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited to attend the Ceremony on behalf of MSS to receive the trophy from Dr. Bernard Chan Pak-li, JP, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.
宏力保安從眾多品牌之中脫穎而出,在 1)知名度、2)經營特色、3)創新意念、4)品質、5)形象 及 6)環保及社會責任的基礎上,被決賽評審團及公眾一致認同,贏得由 [香港品牌發展局] 及 [香港中華廠商聯合會] 舉辦的2021年「香港服務名牌選舉」,成為首間保安公司膺獲該項殊榮。同時有幸能邀請 [恒基兆業地產有限公司] 執行董事孫國林BBS, MH, 太平紳士代表宏力保安出席2021年品牌選舉頒獎典禮,在 [商務及經濟發展局] 副局長陳百里博士, 太平紳士手中接過獎盃。