


保安公司有責任了解客戶的需求。「僅僅提供保安員」在現在21世紀過於「單一範圍」。宏力保安正正明白這一點,因此為了滿足客戶需求,宏力保安提供了一系列訓練有素且等符合崗位要求的男和女保安員,包括 (a) 標準,(b) 高級,(c) 客戶服務/訪客大使,(d) 緊急應變小組(高水平的多元化培訓),(e) 專家 – 重要人物/貴重物品護衛、貨物/郵件室搜索/檢查人員等。




Meticulous David WONG sets High Standards for Accident Prevention Training as well as Grooming

MSS’ Morning Prayers guarantee Quality Standards to the Agreed Service Levels and Beyond

The Arrival of Security Supervisor FUNG Kwok-Yin brings out the Best of his Security Team

MSS pays tributes to all Hong Kong Security Personnel on the annual event of 2021-07-24

Three MSS guards receive Compliments from Flat Owner for their Outstanding Performance

MSS Guard DENG Jinyue receives Compliments from customers in recognition of her exemplary work

Elke CHAN Shares Her Property Management Experience with Her Team to Further Enhance, Bolster and Uplift the MSS Service Quality

Four MSS Frontline Officers named Most Outstanding Guards under Client's Mystery Shopper Scheme

A guard who brightens up customers days and takes pride in his Job is Judged to be a Ray of Sunshine.

Strategic Partnership formed between Platinium Aviation Service AB and MSS for a successful bid

Shawn LEE wins CSI's Best Security Guard Award 2020

A theft prevention in winter crime peak season

MSS Service Commitment Annually – Winter Precautionary Operations

Security and Traffic Controller LEE excels himself in a Class A Building he was selected to serve

Role model of MSS stepping into his statutory retirement age

Fanny YUAN settles and stays in security industry

Customers and peers rest assured with Tim MAK

Weekend Angler Max CHAN works with MSS

Sami MUI receives two security industry awards

Magic words in the security industry

Road traffic control guards at work

A glance of MSS Duties at One ifc

MSS to change conventional uniform colour

MSS receives appreciation award from Great Eagle Properties








Protecting building occupiers from COVID-19

Nepalese guard at a Class A tower






  • 定期和/或隨機對客戶要求的地點進行質量檢查(白天和黑夜)
  • 為我們的客戶站點指定質量檢查(非宏力保安提供保安服務)
  • 緊急響應針對收到警報呼叫。
  • 緊急響應針對現場工作人員的呼叫。
  • 將人力和/或設備運送到工作場所和活動場所。



Mobile Patrol app in operation


Naplalese guard