舉辦各類活動時,主辦方和嘉賓安全始終是最重要的考量之一。宏力的活動保安(Event Guard)服務專為各類型活動而設,無論是大型活動、商業展覽、藝術展覽,還是私人聚會,我們都能提供專業的保安,確保活動的順利進行和參與者的安全。   我們的活動保安團隊由經驗豐富的專業保安人員組成,...






The MSS e-Employment Application System with e-Interview function is now fully operational and open to Job Seekers. Applicants can log...


Hand in Hand with the  company reform that has taken place over the last two years, one other important issue, that of staff welfare,...

In keeping with the acclaimed M+ Museum of visual culture, MSS security staff have been outfitted with personally tailored uniforms consisting of...


MSS sees Service Quality as one of the top three company goals and two years ago put in place guidelines to ensure work efficiency. ...


While a higher level of protective security and emergency management preparedness has become necessary and has a greater importance, MSS...


The long-awaited MSS e-Leave Management System (eLMS) will go alive in July this year.  The eLMS is indeed a big breakthrough and...