"Good Morning! Would you mind opening the side window and let me take your temperature for you please? Thanking you so much for your cooperation and wishing you a nice day!" These are the ice-breaking words heard daily from MSS Security Guard KK WAI (photo) by drivers entering the carpark of a Class A commercial building in Wong Chuk Hang. MSS is so pleased to have received written compliments from clients for the distinguished service delivered by KK, who as a result receives a reward and great appreciation from the Management.
「早晨呀! 可以打開車窗等我量量體溫嗎?唔該晒! 祝你有美好愉快嘅一日!」每當客人駕車進入位於黃竹坑一幢甲級商廈時,都會遇到被派駐停車場的宏力保安員衛國根(圖),並且聽到他親切有禮的請求,不但令很不自在的氣氛緩和了,而且使人感受一份額外的熱忱。宏力管理層最近收到客户對衞國根的書面讚賞,因此為他感到十分驕傲,由其直屬管理人員親自送上一點奬勵及代表公司對其表示欣賞。
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Guarding Services