LEE Chung (photo) is a Security and Traffic Controller strictly selected to attach to a group of Class A commercial buildings in Admiralty.  One day this Summer during the heavy downpour of rain, he whilst on duty spotted a foreign lady who was about to get off a car carrying a bunch of documents without rain gear.  LEE immediately provided cover with an umbrella he equipped himself and escorted her to building lobby, eventually she managed to catch up with and get hold of her important meeting.  The lady later wrote a letter to building management praising LEE for so attentive the service she received.  MSS is proud of LEE for delivering excellent service as a worked example for all others.


李忠()是經嚴格挑選派駐到金鐘一群甲級商業大廈的保安及交通控制員,每日在他工作崗位經過的,都不少是前來開會或上下班的商務或行政人員早前炎熱的一天下着滂沱大雨,一位剛到達趕赴重要會議的外國女商人,没有帶備雨具及手執重要文件準備下車之際,李隊員即時留意到連忙打開他携着的雨傘上前加以協助,並護送到電梯大堂, 及後這位女士特意冩信給管理公司讚揚李忠提供貼心的服務,使她順利趕及會議。宏力保安上下對隊員的工作得到客户認同都感到鼓舞,李隊員亦收到公司的讚揚信及奬勵。


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