Mystery Shopper


Every frontline security officer faces additional pressure in carrying out daily security routines while at the same time having to pay due attention to customer care.  Four MSS officers passed all challenging tests under the client’s Mystery Shopper Scheme in the second half of 2020 and are all named Most Outstanding Guards.  They are respectively 1) NG Yuk Wong, 2) TSANG Hon Wing, 3) LIU GuangZhong and 4) CHEN ShuDe who receive accolades from MSS management and their peers together with complimentary prizes. 

每一位在前線工作的保安人員, 日常工作一般都非常繁重,除了做好基本保安工作外,還要顧及客人對服務態度和質素的要求,壓力自然加重;宏力保安有四位分駐不同崗位的出色隊員,就絕對經得起各方挑戰和考驗,因為他們同獲客户通過《神秘顧客測試計劃》頒予二〇二零下半年度的最佳保安員表現奬,這幾位分别是1)吳玉煌、2)曾漢榮、3)劉廣忠 和 4)陳樹德,他們的成績令公司上下感到異常振奮,四位同時獲得公司額外的奬勵。


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