Qualifications Framework (QF)


A Qualifications Framework (QF) is a system that organizes qualifications according to their levels and types, based on a set of criteria such as learning outcomes, competencies, and assessment standards. The aim of a QF is to provide a clear and transparent structure for understanding and comparing qualifications, regardless of the education or training system in which they were obtained.

A QF typically consists of a set of levels, with each level representing a certain degree of complexity and difficulty. Qualifications are assigned to a level based on their learning outcomes, which are statements that describe what learners are expected to know, understand, and be able to do upon completion of the qualification.

A QF can be used to provide a common reference point for learners, employers, and education providers to understand the different qualifications and their levels of complexity and difficulty. This can help to facilitate the recognition of qualifications across different education and training systems, and can provide a basis for mobility and progression within and between occupations and sectors.