[2020-08-21] SmarTeam adopted for MSS Operations

SmarTeam App deployed in MSS Security Operations


MSS has recently adopted SmarTeam, the Business Process Management Solution provided by SmarTone. The solution strengthens internal and external communication with Staff and Customers respectively and improves operational efficiency. The Instant Messaging feature replaces publicly available and free Apps that would be vulnerable to outage and information leaks. SmarTeam is also built in with mobile radio function, which makes possible the use of Smartphones in place of conventional Walkie Talkies without geographical restraints.


宏力保安最近採用了數碼通的SmarTeam流程管理方案,以增強對內員工與對外客戶的溝通以至營運效率。 SmarTeam的即時通訊功能,代替一般公用及流行的免費應用程式,減低因軟件因大量使用容易引致資料外洩或運作停頓的風險;SmarTeam並內置無線電對講機功能,只要現場有足夠訊號覆蓋,便可以利用智能手機代替傳統無線電對講機的運作。

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SmarTone Solutions: https://www.smartonesolutions.com.hk