[2021-02-19] - Executive Director (HLD) and Senior Deputy General Manager (HY & WB) officiate CNY worship ceremony

CNY worship ceremony


Mr SUEN Kwok Lam BBS MH JP (Front, L3), Executive Director of Henderson Land Group (HLD) visited MSS on 2021-02-18 to officiate the Chinese New Year worship ceremony.  He was accompanied by Mr Ellis IP (Front, L1), Senior Deputy General Manager of Hang Yick Properties Management Ltd and Well Born Real Estate Management Ltd of HLD.   Joined by MSS Senior Management, together they sent the best new year wishes to all Colleagues, Customers and Business Partners.

恒基地產集團執行董事孫國林先生(前排左三)2021-02-18親臨宏力保安主持2021農曆新年酬神儀式,由恒基旗下恒益物業管理有限公司及偉邦物業管理有限公司高級副總經理葉志明先生(前排左一)陪同主禮, 及與宏力保安管理層一同向所有同事、客戶及業務伙伴拜年。