[2021-03-05] - Strategic Partnership formed between Platinium Aviation Services AB and MSS for a successful bid
MSS officially announces the Strategic Partnership formed between Platinium Aviation Services AB, Sweden (PAS) and Megastrength Security Services, Hong Kong (MSS) in mid-2020 to collaborate in a globally-bid tender for Consular class offices and residences in Hong Kong, which led to the contract being successfully awarded early this year. The contract covers both security guarding and systems for an initial term of four years, extensible for another two years. Mohammad AL Osta, General Manager of PAS, welcomes the award and is pleased and confident to have MSS as a reliable and professional partner in Far East for contract execution. Billy CHEUK, General Manager of MSS, assures the Client as well as PAS of the world-class and top-quality security services to be provided in line with MSS’ total commitment.
Platinium Aviation Services (Website: http://www.platinium.aero)
宏力保安(MSS)正式宣布,於二〇二〇中旬首度與瑞典Platinium Aviation Services AB公司組成策略夥伴,聯合投標一份全球競逐位於香港的領事館及官邸的保安項目,到今年初成功獲判該份為期四年及可加兩年涵蓋護衞及保安系統的合約;Platinium總經理Mohammad AL Osta表示歡迎共同得到這份合約,他很高興及充滿信心宏力保安作為在遠東的夥伴,會可靠及和專業地執行該合約;宏力總經理卓振聲向Platinium及客方保證會遵行宏力全面的服務承諾,提供世界及頂級的保安服務。
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