The management revamp and reform over the past two years has seen MSS reset its core values to become: 1) ‘Integrity’, 2)‘Branding’ and 3)‘Quality’ (internally referred to as the “IBQ”). The IBQ philosophy pervades at all levels, resulting in trust and respect being earned from MSS’ customers. Amongst those, ‘Integrity’ is the key and essential element that each and every MSS staff shall possess, meaning a strong sense of moral and ethical standards and principles prevails across the company. MSS will never compromise when it comes to Integrity Management, says Jay LAM Assistant General Manager, Financial Control and Corporate Governance on unfurling his working plan upon assumption of his new post earlier this year.
宏力保安過去兩年進行了管理改革及重組, 並將公司業務的核心價值重新配置 —— 1)「誠信」、2)「品牌」、3)「質素」 (内部統稱為IBQ),因此全公司上下都鼓吹和籠罩着這幾項核心價值的理念,從而赢取客户的信賴和尊重; 而其中「誠信」更是首要的一環, 這個是全公司所有人員都必須做到的, 在專業道德及品格方面更是不可或缺的;林健民於年初接任助理總經理(財務控制及企業管治)時,在他的工作計劃裡指稱,宏力保安將要求所有屬下人員堅守誠信,這個方針是不會有任何改變的。
Related link:
Jay LAM promoted to AGM (Financial Control & Corporate Governance)