Henry Lo


Work-life balance is an important element of daily life. Henry LO (photo), an assistant manager at his 20s now responsible for Compliance, is a sports fan advocating healthy lifestyle. As a key member of MSS’ Youth Forum, not only does he volunteer as a fitness instructor in the company’s regular physical exercise sessions, but also pushes forward the Digital Asset Management project bringing in innovative ideas and energy.

工作與生活平衡是日常生活的重要元素,負責合規管理(Compliance)助理經理盧劍恒(圖),是一位熱愛運動並且崇尚健康生活的二十多歲年青人,作為青年論壇的主力分子,除客串為同事的健身教練之外,他亦透過創新思維及活力,大力推動公司的數碼資產管理(Digital Asset Management)項目。