Ken Ng


Ken NG (photo) became a young father having served a number of big security companies for more than ten years. As a senior officer responsible for Operations Support now at MSS, he succeeds in helping the company in the digitalization of Duty Rostering and Reporting as well as Mobile Patrol which were lagged far behind just some time ago to catch up with the market.

負責運作支援的高級主任伍健豪(圖), 一位入行超過十年並服務過多家大型保安機構及已為人父的年青人,慿他的個人經驗和勤奮,最近將宏力保安才不久前仍遠遠落後於人的編更、報更以至巡邏系統成功地數碼化,致令公司能夠追及市場的需要。


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Guarding Services