[2021-10-29] Uniforms of Elegance for MSS Security Staff at the M+ Museum

In keeping with the acclaimed M+ Museum of visual culture, MSS security staff have been outfitted with personally tailored uniforms consisting of blazers, trousers, shirts and highly distinctive M+ ties and scarves. These classically cut uniforms, designed by M+, are in keeping with the atmosphere of openness and approachability of this unique institution whilst also projecting a smart and authoritative image. MSS staff wearing the new uniforms have expressed their feeling that their dress elevates their status while also being functional in their spectacular surroundings. Each and every MSS staff attached to M+ has undergone a specially designed, in-depth training programme to better look after the safety, security and service quality needs of the client in such an iconic setting.
為配合享譽盛名的M+視覺文化博物館,宏力保安駐場人員都配有個人度身訂造的制服,包括西裝外套、長褲、襯衫以及非常標誌的M+領呔和領巾,這些由M+設計含古典色彩及剪裁的制服,與這個獨特場館內開放與平和的氣氛相融合,亦能突出保安人員英姿焕發和威嚴的形象; 能夠穿起新制服及派駐場館工作的宏力保安人員都感受到及表示,這套漂亮裝束大大提升他們的地位,完全有利於他們在壯麗的環境下執行工作。所有駐場的宏力保安人員必須經過為M+特設及和深度的訓練課程,以達到在這極具代表性的場館,客户對安全、保安以至服務質素的要求。
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