MSS sees Service Quality as one of the top three company goals and two years ago put in place guidelines to ensure work efficiency. This was the ‘1-2-3’ Service Pledge on complaints and queries from clients or staff. It follows that complaints or queries received will be responded to and investigated within one (1) working day and corresponding actions to be taken within two (2) working days. Within three (3) working days all actions should be completed and a formal reply to be made to the originator.
MSS also maintains a Compliments and Complaints Register in which single-digit customer complaint cases have so far been recorded each month while those from staff are at or near zero. Worth to note is MSS has about 100 contracts serviced by a workforce of 1500 people.
MSS strives for continuous improvement in all aspects with a view to establishing its leading position and good reputation in the local market.
宏力保安視服務質素為公司三項重要目標其中之一 , 早於兩年前已訂下服務承諾的指引確保工作效率, 尤其對於客户或員工的投訴或提問設有「1-2-3」的服務承諾, 即收到投訴或提問,必於一(1) 個工作天內作回應和調查, 並在兩(2)個工作天內採取相應行動, 及在三(3)個工作天內完成所有行動及正式回覆。
宏力保安更設有一本讚賞及投訴記錄册, 一路以來每月收到客户投訴只錄得偏低的單位數字, 而員工投訴更是或近乎於零,要知道的是宏力保安有約一百份合約及近一千五百名員工; 宏力保安將在各方面持續改善, 以建立在本地市場的領先地位和良好聲譽。
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