The long-awaited MSS e-Leave Management System (eLMS) will go alive in July this year. The eLMS is indeed a big breakthrough and milestone along the digitalization and reform journey over the past two years. It is also one of the government-subsidized D-Biz projects undertaken by MSS. From now on all MSS staff can manage their own leaves through their Smartphone App, which replaces the previous clumsy submission and approval procedures carried out when using paper. The new system is both environmentally friendly as well as time saving. The eLMS ensures absolutely accurate calculation of leaves for the staff payroll system. The MSS eLMS app is available on Google Play, Apple Store and the designated download link provided by the company.
期待已久的「電子假期管理系統」即將於七月隆重登場!「電子假期管理系統」是宏力保安改革以至數碼化進程的一個重大突破,亦是獲政府資助的數碼營商項目其中之一;今後宏力保安全體員工可透過手機應用程式管理自己的假期申請,完全取代以往傳統透過紙張批核及投遞的過程,既環保亦省時,更能確保假期薪金計算做到絕對準確;至於手機應用程式, 可以從Google Play, Apple Store 及公司指定的連結下載,非常方便。
Related links:
[2021-04-23] MSS Youth Team advances a big step in helping the Company’s Digitalization
[2021-04-16] MSS saves Pay Errors by use of UK’s PeopleHours™ cloud-based App