Behind the scenes - MSS HQ Staff have been working flexible hours or remotely from home since end-January, as an anti-COVID-19 measure,...


MSS engineering staff at work.



MSS Guards controlling road traffic and servicing passenger drop-off.



Related link:...


Under the prolonged tough condition, MSS frontline guard gearing up with suitable PPE in support of Building Management clients to take...


MSS Nepalese guard deployed at a security and health checkpoint of a high-class commercial tower at Admiralty.



MSS Field Staff have all been using smartphone app for duty reporting, with just a few clicks and within a few seconds, and without...


The Way Forward Seminar 2020 successfully held with full attendance of MSS Management Team, and of-course with coronavirus precautions....


A photo collection of Security and Customer Service Officers at Sales Showrooms of Henderson Land Group.



CNY Worship and Lion Dance Ceremony officiated by Mr SUEN Kwok Lam (R3) BBS MH JP, Executive Director of Henderson Land Group.
