[2021-04-16] MSS saves Pay Errors by use of UK’s PeopleHours™ cloud-based App



Since early 2020, MSS has introduced the UK’s PeopleHours™ Cloud-based Duty Rostering and Reporting System to completely replace manual operations. This enables Frontline Staff to report on and off duty real-time online by use of the TelMe app and totally saves human errors which commonly happened in the past.  MSS frontlines will also receive SMS showing pay details on or before statutory pay dates and be able to enquire with the payroll team through a hotline.

自二〇二〇初,宏力保安已引入英國PeopleHours™ 雲端編更及報更系統以全面取代人手操作,讓前線人員利用手機程式TelMe於上下班實時報更,並由控制室人員即時協調以計準薪津,徹底解決以往經常發生的人為錯誤問題,除在法定支薪日或之前,發送手機短信將支薪明細顯示予前線人員以核對外,並設立熱線由薪津組人員向同事進行講解。


Related Links:

GalliNet UK Guarantees to Support MSS in their Use of PeopleHours™

The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority bestows MSS the Good MPF Employer and e-Contributor Awards

Duty rostering and reporting goes on Cloud

MSS takes PeopleHours™ for duty reporting and rostering